
Brick-and-Mortar Stores

Knowing the consumer is important for succeeding in CPG retail. AI-based Retail vision Intelligence in real time provides data and insights to retailers for better customer service and improved inventory management.

Brick-and-Mortar Stores

Our CAInatics tool helps brands gather insights with Image Recognition and Analytics capabilities to monitor and measure consumer response to brands in a retail scenario.

Customer Success Stories


CAInatics - AI-based Retail Vision Intelligence in Real Time to drive Exponential Revenue Growth and Customer Satisfaction

Incremental Sales

This is the gold standard for measuring lift in per store sales. CAInatics digitizes brick-and-mortar retail by using Vision-based AI to achieve the ultimate goal of better retail execution to drive marketing efficiencies and generate new (incremental) revenue.

High Share of Shelf

What you see is what you buy which is why this metric is important to track and improve in Retail. CAInatics is designed to monitor, measure and improve Retail Visibility in Brick-and-Mortar Stores right down to the smallest SKU. Our entire process can be executed within minutes - from capturing images to processing image analytics to getting real-time data insights that ensure best retail execution with relevant information. This helps make faster decisions in gaining a bigger piece of the pie as in a higher share of shelf (both in quality and quantity) and leverage it to drive market share growth.

Share of Shelf

Planogram Compliance

The planogram is a critical aspect of every brand’s visual merchandising strategy. While compliance to the merchandising planogram is the retailer’s responsibility, enforcing it is the brand’s onus.

CAInatics helps carry out periodic audits in the following ways:

  • Gathering data on visual merchandising
  • Planning spaces with AI-Based system
  • Planning of brand/SKUs share on the shelves
  • Centralize operations

This helps retail brands adhere to the established planogram by fixing the disparities detected.

Planogram Compliance

Promotion Compliance

The CAInatics Computer Vision based analytics solution helps monitor and measure:

  • Footfall | Demographics
  • Movement in-store during store operation timings
  • Engagement with in-store Consumer Promotions
  • Brand/SKU/Meta-data based in-store consumer movement tracking

This helps assess the impact of Consumer Promotions on Purchase volumes in store and adjust or adhere to set brand promotion compliance.

Share of Shelf

Pricing Compliance

Accurate pricing is vital to profitability in Retail, but manual checks and reporting in retail distribution require regular store visits. And even then there is loss of time and poor accuracy. CAInatics helps reduce errors with price point analysis in real-time.

Planogram Compliance

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