The client is a leading global Tobacco Conglomerate looking to test their new product, an e-cigarette prototype prior to launch in the market.
The approach involves Face and Sentiment analytics using NLP methods to quantify and rate various prototypes on Spontaneous Reactions, Sensorial Reactions, Lifestyle Implications and Areas of Improvements.
The CAInatics tool calculates LSTM generated sentiment scores – with predictive model accuracy average on random dataset (compared to manually audited data) which is more than ~ 88% (the current state-of-art for unsupervised sentiment assignment ACCURACY is more than ~ 90%) Custom neural net generates word embeddings (Assignment of 100 dimensional vectors to each of the words) Face Analytics on set of Users (Sample) basis below concepts Valence on positive or negative affectivity Arousal measures on how calming or exciting the product is.
Score-Card on Prototype Generate with scores basis Sentiment analytics and Face analytics data-set considering.